
Monday, May 7, 2012

Comfort Zone

Two weeks from today is moving day!!! I can do this. I can do this.

Its no secret that I love to create. Well, I'll say I'm creative, but I am in no way artistic.

I cannot draw or paint to save my life.

I want to, but I can't. Half because I lack the necessary ability and the other half is because I'm a  perfectionist in remission.

Last week I saw a minimalist picture of a dandelion and thought, "even I may be able to do that!" I drew it on Friday and it looked pretty good-well decent. :)

Last night I got the idea to paint a dandelion pic for the  girls' room.

Today I took the plunge. I think it turned out decently. Be kind, art is most definitely not my forte!

My mom and I went shopping this summer and we found these pieces of wall art for 90% off! She splurged and bought me the large one at $2.99 and the small one at $1.99! Ha! I got them with the intention of painting over them and recycling the canvases- seriously, do you know what canvases cost? Def not $2.99! ;)

Also, I included a pic of the during pics- one of which shows you which brush I used. I hate those brushes usually, but it allowed me to blend the colors nicely, so I recommend it!

Jump out of your comfort zone today! Let me know if you do and what you did. ;)

(real pic to come in 2 weeks when I hang this on the girls' wall). :)

1 comment:

  1. it looks great! I believe you are more artistic than you think :)
