
Monday, May 14, 2012

Starfish Jackpot

For Mother's Day yesterday Mr. Incredible let me go shopping with a certain amount of money. It was very nice to shop with Sweetpea, (while Mr. Incredible did laundry- our washing machine died! Thanks for sitting at the Laundromat Babe!)  I had a hard time spending money on myself.  There was not really anything I wanted for me. I want lots of things for the house and of course for Sweetpea, and every dollar I get goes to her or the house. After walking the whole mall, looking very carefully I might add, I was about to go home empty handed, (I refuse to spend money just to spend money. I have to really want something before I decide to spend money).  I ran into Dillards and just happened to look in their jewelry department and I found...

This starfish cuff!  I have been wanting it for months since I first saw it on Pinterest!  I asked the saleslady to get it out of the case. The price was right- I was ecstatic!

Then I saw this starfish necklace- the price was also right! Happy Mother's Day to me! ;)  Mr. Incredible gave me a price to stay under- after bying both pieces of jewelry- I had 50 cents to spare! lol I consider that a victory!  lol

Then we ran into Kohls because I have bought many starfish items there in the past and I was curious what they may have.  Well, I found this for our coffee table- on sale for $19.  I was in love. I was so thankful for the gifts he had already bought me, but we needed this for our new house! Thankfully he gave in to his begging grateful wife. :)

Right now I am surfing the web for more starfish items. :) I can't help myself!  Post tomorrow!  Also, my bestie has starfish paper that she is giving to me!  I am very excited about that!  :)

We are supposed to close on our house one week from today, but the builders haven't been there since Friday so it looks like the date may get pushed back. We'll see...

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