
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mommy's Muse

I'll admit I'm crafty, but I am not artistic. I can't draw to save my life.

However, I bought a painting a few days ago of a faceless girl that looked like Annie. Today I searched etsy for more pieces, (which I may still buy), and was inspired to give it a go myself.

Here is my mixed media/medium (which one is the correct? Lol) minimalist painting of Annie...

I glued it to a frame I had and now it's hanging in her room :) the burlap dress and gingham bow were pieces of fabric I used in her room, and the lace is from the hem of my petticoat for my wedding dress. :)  Also, the red and white dress is reminiscent of Annie the movie :)

I'm not very artistic, but I'm proud of this painting of my baby girl. :) Definitely took me out of my comfort zone.

I think this all the time, and it's truer than true- Annie is Mommy's Muse!

(please excuse the strong silver lines on the painting when it's on the floor- it doesn't look like that in person- it was the lighting in my kitchen). :) (PS, I'm still working on finishing up the house. Once I finish, and we get internet, I'll post pics! Sorry for the delay!). :)

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