
Thursday, June 21, 2012


We will be taking Annie back to the hospital this morning.

I failed to mention why she was in the hospital last week in the first place. For almost 2 weeks now, Annie has gone down at 8 and slept past noon. If I didn't wake her up, who knows when she'd wake up! For a child with hydrocephalus, 2 shunts, and a cyst on her brain, this is not good.

Er Dr said the cyst looked the same and to come back if symptoms didn't improve.

They haven't.

I've been unsettled all week, but not worried per se.

I couldn't wonder any longer.

I spoke with a few knowledgeable friends(one who was a neurosurgery nurse) and they all concurred that this is not good and we should take her. Like I barely got out anything before they said to take her. I said how she wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms, but they said take her!

Prayers greatly appreciated!

Here's a picture of Annie last week in the morning...later that evening we took her to the hospital. Here we go again!

1 comment:

  1. Tricia, I didn't know your little girl was having health problems. Keep us updated. I'll be thinking of you.
