
Monday, July 23, 2012

A Thousand Years

Yuck, all this talk about grief! Ready for a change of pace? Me too!

From June of 2008, I was dying to bring home our baby. (technically far before that, but that was the time that God told us not to pursue birth children- only adopt).

This blog is filled with posts of me yearning to hold our baby. Filled.

There is a relatively new song by Christina Perri called A Thousand Years.

It ripped my heart out the first time I heard it because it made me remember the anguish I felt waiting to be a mommy. It described the waiting period perfectly! Had it been out last summer, I would have included it in Annie's adoption slide show. :)

All the years waiting. All the posts dying a little inside.

We miss the boys, but we are beyond grateful that God chose Annie to be our child.

I have died everyday waiting for you
 Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
 I'll love you for a thousand more
  All along I believed I would find you
Time* has brought your heart to me
 I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

*God- the Father of TIME brought your heart to me, and we praise Him greatly for that!

Pic of Annie in the blue dress is from June '10- 6 mths old and in Foster care. :) The second pic is from this day. The third pic is from her shower my church threw for us in September. The next 2 are from the day we were yearning for, her Gotcha Day, October. The last one is from the day after her Gotcha Day, also October. It's been almost 2 years! God is sooo good! Annie, you are loved more than you could ever imagine! I truly did feel like I was dying waiting for you, and I had loved you for a thousand years- and without a doubt, I'll love you for a thousand more!

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