
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baby Jake

December 2010 we were in Dallas celebrating Christmas with Paul's family.  Paul's cousin's wife, Leslie, and I spent some quality time with our little girls, (while her big girls played with Annie's grandpa). :) She, her husband and their 3 girls live in South Dakota.  We hate that they live so far away! I wish we could hang out everyday!

I don't remember how it came about, but she told me that before she had her baby girl, she had lost a son. On April 9, 2009, he was 13 weeks along, she delivered him in a Target parking lot. Wow, so horrible!

Just the other day she sent me an email about abortion.  I was about to get Internet again, so I marked it as read later.  Then today I was on Facebook, and I saw links to a post that were titled the same as the link Leslie had sent.

I opened it and found that not only was it the same she sent me, but the mother and child mentioned on the blog post were her and her son!

It took my breath away. I emailed her to confirm that it was her story, (and not just a coincidence- but seriously, that would have been a huge coincidence). I also asked if I could share it here. 

Here is the post that she sent me- you must see it.  I confirmed that they actually are pictures of baby Jake!  She was able to bring him home, snap these pics, and then bury him. WOW!

This is Annie's cousin Jake, and our cousin Leslie's hand.

Please keep the original post going, and feel free to share mine as well. I think it was important for me to show you that Jake and Leslie are not made up pro-life "propaganda"- they are real! They are in my family! Jake is Annie's cousin!

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