
Monday, August 6, 2012

Bluebonnet Trial

I have a large canvas waiting to be painted. It's a little scary for this unartistic mama. So, I did a trial run last night with some elements I will do again in my large painting.

I was pretty happy with Annie but not so much with the bluebonnets... I wish I had a darker blue and a thinner brush. I know on the larger canvas the brush will be fine.

At the end of it all, I'm artistically challenged so I'm relatively happy with it :)

Although, I may still cut Annie out of this and frame it separately...I feel like the bluebonnets look like an 8 year old did them.

With each painting I get better- jump out of your comfort zone today!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I stepped out of my comfort zone today and bought curtains for Livie's room from Walmart. Not a major task but It was a risk because they aren't white :) You are so extremely talented. I'm glad you're just going for it now. It's so much more fun that way.

    See you in 5 days!!! We will be wo Nater. He will be with Beth Renee :)
