
Monday, August 13, 2012

Mini Minnie/Mickey Party

This weekend my mom and sis came to town and we had a blast!  We celebrated Annie's adoptionversary while they were here.  We had two mini parties for her.  First on deck, Minnie/Mickey:

 Fondant FAIL!  Long story,I did what I could do. *sigh*

She got lots of Shrek presents:

 Our "Keeping up with the Kardashians," moment. We needed her to smile and she loves pushing my sister's butt out of the way- she finds it hysterical. So to get her smiling in all of the above pics, my sister took one for the team.  It worked beautifully.  But, it totally made me feel like we were Kardashians... doesn't it seem like something you'd see on their show? lol

Stay tuned for tomorrow's party post- mini Shrek Party

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