
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Celebrating 3, Twice!

This itty bitty baby-seen her on her first birthday-is turning 3 this year.
I can't even believe it.  And if you compare pics- she'll look older by looking at her face, but she's almost the same size now as she was then! lol
She will be celebrated here in our new town in December, (her actual birthday), and she will be celebrated in Houston in November!
That's right Annie and I will be flying to Houston for a visit!
We had planned the visit, and then decided to celebrate her birthday. So, Paul will not be there, (he will be holding down the fort). He is very upset he will not be there, but I keep reminding him he will be there for her birthday in December. :)
I have a list of invitees made out, and am about to send out the invites!  Just a note- if you are a blog reader and want to come to the party, please let me know and I would be happy to forward the invite on to you!  You see, there are blogs I read and I feel like I know them. I'll see their parties and wish that I could have been there.  So, even if we are not the closest friends, but you would like to come, please let me know.  There are some of you that read, and I would love to invite everyone, but I do not want people to feel obligated.  So, I am leaving that up to you!  Believe me, if you want to come cause you feel like you know us from this blog, then I would love for you to come! :)

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