
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dallas Arboretum

Yesterday we went to the Dallas Arboretum to visit the Pumpkin Patch.  We had a blast- totally lost track of time spending 3 hours there! We had this trip planned for months, and it was worth eveything! We loved the Arboretum and will return this spring for pics of Annie in the flowers. :) Be prepared to see this place for years on the blog-between the flowers year round and the pumpkins in the fall, this is my new go to photoshoot site. :)

You will notice that the sun was super hot that day, (brightness not temp). I did what I could do, but obviously many of these pics would have benefitted from a few clouds. :) And I have not edited any of these yet...

bad glare, but had to show the pumpkin house :)

Cinderella carriage was a must :)

As you can see from many of these pics, the sun was really bright, so we had to deal with it...

sun, sun, sun but still cute
Annie posed herself for these next two pics. We were so tickled, and were told my many on lookers that she was a model and we just got an amazing pic! :)

Lighting not great, but this is to show the Chihuly-an exibit of these were scattered throghout the Arboretum.

She loved the pumpkins and loved giving them hugs:)

The ridiculous cuteness of this pic is magnified by the fact that she posed herself. :)

I loved the little black birds and they were so fallish! I almost got a super cute shot of one, but some kid shooed it last minute.:/

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