
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Veggie Tales Live 2012

On Saturday we went on a family date to see Veggie Tales Live.  I've wanted to see it for years- if Woody and Buzz hadn't left so suddenly we would have taken them 2 years ago.  While that fact made me a bit sad, the thing that got me crying was thinking about how I was there with Annie.  Yes, it has (almost) been two years, but I am still so grateful that God chose me to be a mom, and more importantly, Annie's mom!
We found out about the show the week of, so I was so bummed to see that the VIP tickets were sold out- VIPs got to take a picture with Bob and Larry!  I've been prepping Annie for Disney World one day and so when I mention DW or she sees the castle, she says, "I want Mickey to hold you.  I want to give Mickey kisses." So when I told her about VTL she said that she wanted Bob and Larry to hold her and give her kisses.  I was so sad that she couldn't meet them, but she had a blast none the less!
 Annie's new go to smile, her "Crooked Smile"

 Mommy has seen better days, but whatev...
 Turkey would not look at the camera! lol
 She only weighs 25lbs so she couldn't old down the seat! But she had fun playing...

 "If you like to talk to tomatoes..." When the theme song started, Annie squealed with glee and started singing and dancing.  I started crying.  I've said it a hundred times- crazy love! :) I was tickled and near tears the whole show when Annie would squeal and point, "Bob! Larry!"
"I need to tell you somethin', I don't got a belly button!"

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