
Friday, November 30, 2012

Kids in the Kitchen

I got this idea from my ever talented cousin in law, and decided to do it for Christmas gifts this year!
First I bought oven mitts, pot holders, and towels from the dollar store, (shh, don't tell!). Then, I took Annie's hand prints, traced them onto card stock, cut them out in fabric and fabric glued them down. I was going to sew, but how in the world would you do that with the mitt?!
I made these sets for certain people, and for others I made just oven mitts.  Most are for family members, and some for other people that are close to Annie. You see, they may not want a painting of Annie or something like that, but what is great about the mitts is that they can use them and they just happen to have Annie's hands on them. Bottom line- they are useful! :)
The first set is ours, and they rest are gifts. ;)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Damsels Annie and Minnie

At Annie's birthday party the Ross' gave her a princess Minnie! Too perfect!
Well, a few days later my mom and I went to the Disney outlet and found a Minnie princess hat from Disney World- was 19.99, paid $5!
I knew I had to do a photoshoot of this! Annie was not very cooperative this day, but we got what we could. :)


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Annie's Art

I was inspired by a pin on Pinterest for this piece of art.

 I am the worst Pinterester ever! Ok, so I have over 8,000 pins and almost 10,000 likes that need to be pinned. It is almost impossible to find some pins that have inspired me.  So, I apologise to the originator of this idea. If you know the link off hand, let me know and I will gladly link it here!

Basically, you take your kiddo's early drawings/scribbles, cut out petals and make them into a flower. :) These drawings were from November 2011, February 2012, and Monday. ;)

I am so happy with this and will cherish it always. Note: the gold paint is clumpy- I did that on purpose. :)
I have also seen all over Pinterest the idea of scanning your child's drawings onto your computer and then making a photobook- I will most definitely be doing that!
Other pins have shown sites that make stuffed animals and jewelry from your child's drawings/handwriting...totally will be doing that too! :)
I just love Pinterest for giving me cute ways of preserving Annie's childhood- it goes by way too fast!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Breakfast Nook Art

Sunday, for Black "Friday," Michael's had canvases for 70% off.  We got $426 worth of canvases for $131!! Considering half of my Christmas gifts were going to be paintings, we got really lucky! Not to mention we have some left over for personal use and possibly to sell some paintings!? :)
Two that I bought for personal use, I had in mind for our breakfast nook.
I made curtains for our breakfast nook when we first moved into our new house. I made the canvases to go with them...
 Please excuse the mess... homeschool/craft table, (craft table until all of the Christmas presents are done). ;)
 The chevron fabric is the same as the curtains, and the other fabric is the same as the curtains in the kitchen. :)
I painted the starfish to match the curtains before we moved into this house.  At the same time, (around May), I bought the little canvas to Annie for her to paint in the same colors of the curtains. She painted this all by herself, with a paintbrush. :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Korean Doll

Paul is half Korean, his mother is Korean.  Her sister just returned from Korea and brought Annie the prettiest, traditional formal Korean dress.

Cheesin' it up for Daddy

Looking at her headband :)
Her purse... on New Year's day it is customary for the children to go to relatives' houses, bow, and then receive money which is placed in their purse. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Family Flash Back

I love finding pictures that I didn't know existed.  Paul's parents snapped this last Christmas and I am just now seeing it. :) It wasn't Christmas day, it was the day we arrived, hence our comfy car clothes. :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Candids

Besides our family photoshoot, I also took normal pics of Annie on Thanksgiving...

 We ate at Paul's uncle's house and there we took Annie on a Mule ride. She immediately exclaimed, "WHEEEEE!" and later, "I'm having fun, Mommy!"
While I was getting her braces ready for the shoot, I sat her in the driver's seat of her PaPa's truck.  She immediately took the wheel and said, "I'm driving!"

Thanksgiving pajamas. I found them Decemeber 2010 on sale for nothing! I cried when I saw them because we surely are so thankful for her! I bought size 3T, so she wore them in 2011, 2012, and I'm sure she'll be able to wear them in 2013, and possibly squeeze into them in 2014- we shall see.:)