
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Breakfast Nook Art

Sunday, for Black "Friday," Michael's had canvases for 70% off.  We got $426 worth of canvases for $131!! Considering half of my Christmas gifts were going to be paintings, we got really lucky! Not to mention we have some left over for personal use and possibly to sell some paintings!? :)
Two that I bought for personal use, I had in mind for our breakfast nook.
I made curtains for our breakfast nook when we first moved into our new house. I made the canvases to go with them...
 Please excuse the mess... homeschool/craft table, (craft table until all of the Christmas presents are done). ;)
 The chevron fabric is the same as the curtains, and the other fabric is the same as the curtains in the kitchen. :)
I painted the starfish to match the curtains before we moved into this house.  At the same time, (around May), I bought the little canvas to Annie for her to paint in the same colors of the curtains. She painted this all by herself, with a paintbrush. :)

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