
Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Year LATE, post 1 of 4

Last November, I took pics, uploaded them to my computer and then said computer bit the dust. I have yet to get those pics off my hard drive. BUT, Tuesday, I was downloading pics from the duck shoot ;) and I found those pics still on my memory card! They were literally hidden, and I had not seen them on there for the past year- I am still confused as to how this is even possible!
Our dear friends, the Turners, came down from Minnesota for a visit, (some of these pics are from Caryn):
Keierleber, Turner and Ross kiddos together- these pics make my heart smile :)

 Look at Andrew and Annie together- they were having a blast

 Does Abby not make the best silly face ever?!


 Annie and my JuJu with large smiles- pure happiness!

Annie had a blast with all of her friends- we miss all of them!!

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