
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Love Improved

My house/town must be having internet issues. I am having issues on my computer and my phone, (usually if it is just my computer my phone will be fine, but today it is not). ugh

Google+ and Blogger are not letting me post new pics, so I am pulling from my Picasa Web Albums- the only thing Blogger is letting me do.

I got a new camera yesterday and Annie and I tried it out today. That was what I was going to post today, and there were some really fun pics.  :/  I will continue to try to post.

For now, (to keep with my goal of posting everyday of 2012), here is a project that you have seen before, but it is finally complete!

 I found the LOVE canvases on Pinterest. (I do not know the link, sorry to the awesome person who made this orignal!)
Here was the one I made... not finished and taken with my camera phone....

The original has swirls adn other fun accents. I am not good at doing that, (not putting myself down just being real). ;) so I was at a loss as to where to go next. I ended up just adding glitter to the letters, adn I think they are done.  Glitter is always better, right?! ;)

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