
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Super Girl

Our lives revolve around Disney. We also watch a lot of Veggie Tales and Annie loves the 4th Shrek, but we always go back to our beloved Disney.
Next week for her November birthday, (are you coming?!), she will be Dorothy at her Wizard of Oz party. I chose the theme before she saw the movie, but never fear- she loves it now! We are watching it right now actually. :)  Whenever we saw a little girl dressed as Dorothy this past week she got really excited. :)
For Trick or Treating I wanted her to have a costume that she doesn't wear everyday- like I said we are surrounded by princesses and Minnie all day. Well, we have been on a super hero kick, and Annie's favorite is Super Man.
Perfect family theme- especially for poor daddy who is surrounded by two very girlie girls. :)
Meet Super Girl- and if anyone deserves to be a super hero it is this little girl! Am I right or what?!
She would say, "I'm Super Girl! I'm Super Man Girl!" 

Someone called me Wonder Mommy- I like that better than Wonder Woman. ;)

We were all dressed up on Saturday to go to a carnival at a school. There was a pink super girl costume, but I chose the red and blue one so we would all match.
showing off her red and blue nails :)

drying them- they had been dried for awhile now, but whatever lol

When I dressed her yesterday, she reached up and said, "pick up Super Girl, Mommy!" She loved being in costume and totally got it this year!  She loved seeing other kiddos dressed up. :)
Yesterday we went Trick or Treating at Daddy's office, (followed by a carnival at our church). I had low expectations for the Trick or Treating, but it was pretty cool!  And it was during business hours so Daddy got a little break.  Have I mentioned how much we love his company?!

We went to take a pic and she moved in for a hug...
She totally gets the memo of standing close for pics :)
hanging out in daddy's office

hamming it up...

she made that face on purpose to make us laugh, she is not mad! lol notice my face- laughing
finally a decent one...
cracking up at herself! she is 100% drama!
she still wanted to be funny so she closed her eyes, I told her to open them...
a little too wide Annie...
cracking up at herself again. She's too funny!

part of the refinery where Paul works

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