
Thursday, December 20, 2012

How To: Layer Rainbow Cake

I have made 3 rainbow cakes, and I plan to do more in the future. Well, if I can make it again as well as I did the first one! lol
First, here are pictures:
First cake from Annie's Firework/Rainbow adoption party:

 It was my first cake and def the best of the bunch...

Second cake from Annie's third birthday party in Houston, Wizard of Oz:
 a little sideways...
 still looks nice on the inside...
Third cake from Annie's third birthday party at home, Veggie Tales:

 this poor cake was falling apart at the seams!
 it is even crumbly on the inside...

Ok, so here is the how to...
You will need 2 VANILLA box cakes, and 4 VANILLA tubs of icing.
TIP: I have tried many cakes, and I promise, using box cakes taste the best! You are making a 6 layered rainbow cake- no one is going to care that it wasn't 100% homemade. Believe me, Vanilla tastes the best,and you will get so many compliments!
Take the 2 cake box mixes, follow directions on box and then separate the mix evenly between 6 bowls, add the colors.
TIP: I use food coloring GEL to get the brighter colors, and try to make sure your bowls are the same size!
TIP: buy 3 8 inch cake pans. yes, 3! you will only have to bake the cakes twice and switch out the liners once. Also, it works best to have all 3 of them the same size- so buy 3 matching ones!

Line 8 in round cake pan with FOIL, spray the foil with baking spray like that stuff is going out of style!
 Bake each cake (at whatever temp box says) for about 20 min, (obviously since it is much smaller than usual you'll have to watch the cake, but last time I did it, they were done in about 20 min).

Then FREEZE layers- in the foil-over night!
Dirty ice each layer and then ice the cake completely
TIP: When I made the Wizard of Oz cake, I didn't get to freeze the layers as long as I usually do. As I was icing it, it got really crumbly. My aunt told me to throw it in the freezer, then ice it. It helps the icing stick.
How to avoid problems:
Vanilla cake works best! White cake is too fluffy and breaks too easily, and as yummy as confetti cake is, it does not taste very good in a layer cake, (tried it in the Veggie Tales cake- just trust me). Vanilla cake is super yummy- everyone raves, I promise!
Use a mixer- whether an expensive Kitchen Aide or a cheap hand mixer, (like I use). You will get it perfectly mixed, and you will be amazed at how perfectly moist your cake it. No one will be the wiser that you used a box cake. ;)
White icing in nasty! Stick with Vanilla! I used white icing to make Bob on the Veggie Tales cake, and it was nasty!
When I made the Fireworks cake, I froze the layers over night. The Wizard of Oz cake, I only froze them for a short while. The Veggie Tales cake I let it cool on the counter, no freezer. Which cake turned out the best? FIREWORKS. FREEZE, FREEZE, FREEZE!
The Wizard of Oz cake was a little sideways because I used different sized cake pans. BUY 3 IDENTICAL CAKE PANS!

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