
Monday, December 17, 2012

Veggie Tales Party: Food and Decor

As I said yesterday, I wasn't able to get our stuff together in time to have Annie's party. :/

But here is what I had:
 My incomplete tablescape! lol
Some balloons :)
I made this awhile ago, and had planned to make one for each guest. I nixed that plan though because while I followed the instructions, it is just not quite as permanent as I had hoped. :/ I had a few giveaways for our guests: I made a canvas bag, (you'll see in tomorrow's post), a coloring book and a Veggie Tales dvd. I also had planned a craft. I bought canvases for all of the kiddos, and was going to have them paint their hands, one green, one red. Then I was going to paint Bob and Larry's face on their hand prints. Bummed I didn't to carry out that plan! :/ 
 My angel love, LOVES flowers, so I buy her flowers monthly. Here are her birthday flowers. :) Red and Green like Bob and Larry. :)
 I had 7 posters placed all over the house. :)

 Fruit snacks from HEB!
 Aren't they fantastic!?
 I had plates, napkins and cups with our favorite Veggies. I made heart shaped peanut butter sandwiches.
 Chocolate Bobs ;)
 oops, these are out of order... the fruit snack bags :)
 I bought this to take off the label and add Larry's face. I didn't, but you can when you do your VT party.
 Veggie Tales Jello

  Cheese Bobs ;)
Fruit Ka-BOBs ;)
Veggie Cups 
This is a huge swallowing of my pride for me... the cake. Oh boy.
While this is my third rainbow layer cake, something went wrong. Very wrong. (I'll do a separate post all about the cake later).
When we moved, I misplaced all of my cake decorating supplies. I had to make Bob's face with my fingers! Just think about it...icing and making a face- yeah.
So yeah, not my best work. Oh well. lol
 Bob has seen better days lol
 much better days lol
 a preview of the craziness that is this cake. It was falling apart at the seams...
Inside looked great! I used a bit too much food coloring- there is no editing done to this photo! I used a lot of coloring! lol
 So vibrant! 
 Annie's smash cake!
She has never really eaten her birthday cakes before, so I always give her a chance at a smash cake...this time we finally had success, (pic tomorrow!)
I was inspired by pinterest to make these Larry Twinkies. I had to make these also with my fingers, so be nice! lol I was going to make many of these, but since we cancelled the party I made just this one. :)
 I bought this candle a year ago! :) I had planned a Veggie Tales party for Annie's 3rd since her 1st party. :)
 Annie wore her Veggie Tales shirt I made for her a few months back. :) I made this background for her party...the painted frame was for a photo op. :)
Here is her cake smash section. :) Look behind Bob and you will see more posters on the wall.
Also, notice my shadow? I am still getting used my camera- my old camera I would hold a certain way, but I obviously can't with this one! lol


  1. It turned out PERFECT!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! and I bet she LOVED it too!!!!

  2. Don't sell yourself short! Everything looks amazing and I'm sure Annie and your guests had a blast :)
