
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Adventures in Parenting

Last night was an adventure.
First, Annie and I were sitting next to each other, almost touching, and I heard her trying to gag. I looked over and she had her doodle pad magent in her mouth. I say she was trying to gag because it was so big, she couldn't gag, cry, talk or breath. I had to fight to get it out. I was so scared! (It was too big to swallow, but it pushed down her tongue and blocked her airway- it was so big that it filled her mouth completely). I say I was next to her because could you imagine if it happened when I was out of the room?! I shudder to think...
Since the holidays, my sleep schedule has been off.  I have been going to be around 2 and sleeping in till 10/11. Finally last night I felt tired around 9 so we went to bed early and were asleep by about 10:30. FINALLY!
But we woke up around one to sounds coming from Annie's monitor. I was still pretty much out and thought I was dreaming. Paul called out, "Babe!" and I shot up, realized I was not dreaming and ran to Annie's room! On my way there she started crying- I knew something was wrong for sure!
She had thrown up. First time for her to vomit like this since we got her.
I immediately worried it was her head. Then I wondered if she had finally caught something- she has yet to be really sick- praise God! Like, not even a cold!
Paul, who had to work today, didn't miss a beat. While I bathed Annie, he cleaned her bed. While I got her layered in towels in our bed, he cleaned her bath tub. Annie thew up on her babies so Paul started the wash- meaning he had to stay awake for an hour so he could start the dryer. All without me asking. Such a good daddy/hubby!
As I said, we layered her in towels assuming she would be puking some more. Thankfully she did not throw up again and she is acting totally normal now! I'm still watching her, but I think if she was sick we would know it. I am thinking it may have been brought on by her near choking experience?
her reward: sleeping with mommy and daddy- on a towel, wrapped in a towel and I used a huge beach blanket to cover all 3 of our pillows. I was hopeful that would cover everything-pun intended! lol so sad! you'd look like this too if it was almost 2 in the morning and you puked for the first time.
Wihle I was typing, she got comfy on her pillow...
She said, "I'm so comfy."
Me: You're comfy?
Annie: I'm not comfy, I'm pretty.
Me: You are SO pretty!
Annie: I'm not pretty, I'm gorgeous.
Yesterday we had a similar conversation that went exactly the same way except comfy was replaced with silly! :)

1 comment:

  1. Kalia got the stomach bug on Sunday & threw up 4 times during the night. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night. But Praise God no one else got it!
