
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas in Houston

Today and tomorrow I need to post the final 2 Christmas posts...
Opening Presents at my mom's house:

 hugging her PJs

 cleanest/neatest kid- def doesn't get that from her mama. ;)

 Nana Nell accidentally threw her trash on her present while she was opening it. lol

One of our fav gifts:

 Annie fell asleep, but woke up not fully rested and in a fussy mood :/
 Annie is the dogs' favorite kid- I think it is because she a. leaves them alone, and b. is so chill they thought she was a doll just like her Belle! ha!
We do not do Santa. At all. Not even pics at the mall. But my uncle dressed up and so I let Annie join in the torture fun. I mean it is her uncle in a costume, whatev. ;)
 Brandon trying to show the littles how awesome Santa is.
 Lindsey being her awesome self! :)
 huge bummer this is out of focus!
 I am tired, fussy, and you people are crazy!
She took it much better than I expected. Had she not been fussy/tired prior it would have gone even better.

 Just give me this present and leave me alone! ha!
She was not snapping out of her fussiness so I stripped her down and offered presents-she didn't even want presents. She just wanted SLEEP!

 Later she ended up being the life of the party and then crashed with Nana Nell and the pups. :)
 Lindsey got a pic with Annie, but she decided not to bring her smile. Sorry Linds, this is the best. :)
Cole opening presents:

My brother's future inlaw's bought Cole and Annie the Armour of God dress up kit!

Annie opening her armour. :)

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