
Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Snow of 2013

I love snow!
Thursday we had a forecast of snow all day. Every hour past, and every promise of snow was pushed back another hour. Since I love snow so much I kept Annie up past her bedtime. She was so tired, but also excited to see the snow.
I started losing hope after midnight. I was going to force Annie to stay up until 1 and then call it a night. Finally at 12:30, it started!
I dressed her up in her Minnie Mouse snow suit, (it was a Halloween costume that we found marked down in Nov- my mom bought it because I thought it would be a perfect snow suit). :)
We got a few shots in and enjoyed the snow together, then she had enough. I took her inside and stayed out by myself for about an hour.
I love snow, so I had to stay out, but I was sad to be without Annie.
Was it even worth it without her?
So many mommies would kill to have a moment alone.
It was so quiet I could hear the snow hit the ground!
I should love the peacefulness, but I was just missing my Annie.
I began to think that this would be what life would be like if I lost Annie.
Enjoying things that I greatly love, but needing to still enjoy them without Annie. I had to fight back tears, and realize that once again God was using the snow to teach me a lesson.
I needed to not think about Annie and I needed to enjoy the moment. The moment alone with God. God gave me one of my favorite things in this world, snow, and I needed to ignore everything else and just be with Him and enjoy His present and presence.
(please keep in mind it is 12:30 am, I had not showered yet and am wearing no make up. not my best look, but it is what it is.)

 can't see much snow in these pics, but it was really coming down...

 see? lots of snow! :)
 trying to show the snow in my hair :)
 after Annie went inside I sat, (on my bum!) on my front porch for about an hour. Just the snow, God and me.

 collecting on our roof
 I always write the year in the snow, but I put the whole date, (in hopes that it will rain at least once more in 2013!). ;)

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