
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Mail

Yesterday was a day of happy, happy mail!
 Red Sox Tickets came in!! YEA!! Is it spring yet?!
We also got a package from Disney Store!
  Annie wanted to play in the box...Disney Store boxes are always cute on the inside! Notice what is says behind her: "big dreams. small package." If that doesn't describe Annie, I don't know what does! :)
Jersey's turn...totally didn't notice he was on the side with Pluto! lol

Today is my bestie's 30th birthday!! If I was a better friend she would be getting happy mail today, but hopefully she'll settle for a late package! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER! {I did not forget it was your birthday- just won't get to the post office till Monday }

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are the BEST of friends!!! I love you sister!!
