
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DIY: Valentine's Day Decor and Gifts

Here are some DIY: Valentine's Day Decor and Gift ideas that I recently made, (many inspired by pins on Pinterest and I made them my own). :) (I misplaced my DSLR's battery charger, so I am using my old camera. bummer.)
LOVE canvas using Annie's hand and feet. I saw this on Pinterest, but came up with using a Valentine's color scheme ombre effect on my own. :) (shown with and without flash)

I know we all love the Family Conversation Heart craft pin! Here is my spin on it:

Large Pinterest inspired Valentine :

 on the inside I included the "mail a hug" with this "poem":
We are separated by miles,
and missing you on my heart does tug!
I thought of a way to make you smile,
by sending you this Valentine's Hug!
Quick detour: while running around in between all of this, Annie asked me to take her picture! :)

Ok, back to Valentine's Day...

I found this mailbox at Hobby Lobby and decided that we, (Daddy, Mommy and Annie) would send each other little love notes throughout February, (obviously Annie's involvement will start next year). ;) I allowed Annie to help me decorate the mailbox, and it was a great decision- I love it!

another quick detour to show Annie getting her paint on:

 we were watching Full House and she had to stop to sing the theme song- she loves music!

Back to Valentine's Day:

 I made these as chair covers, but I didn't like them on the chairs, so I put them here
 then I sent two other banners to Annie's grandma and aunt :)
I used felt and my glue gun and made heart table decor:

 Annie loves flowers-especially roses :)
 I left a hole in the table runner for her vase to fit :)
Heart place mats:

 I had this sign, (did not make it lol) and decided to decorate the back:

Check back here the day after Valentine's Day for our V-day food and activities. :)

Pin me:


  1. Interesting post.Expressing your love by gifting with flowers makes your some one to feel surprise on the special day.
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  2. Friends I want share with you some. That time of the year has rolled around once again and you’re stressing about planning the perfect birthday party. Regardless of your child’s age, almost very parent deals with the pressures and anxieties surrounding their kid’s birthday parties. Perhaps it’s because children put so much stock into this event, something they look forward to for months. After all, it only comes once a year; as well, it’s the one day where your son or daughter is able to revel in being special (via gifts, treats, cakes and often money, of course). Planning a birthday party for your child can be trying and surviving the experience is equally challenging. Fortunately there are some tips and strategies that parents can employ before the big event that will assure a rousing good time – with little stress – for all involved.
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  3. Hi, I love the beautiful blog you have developed. I too have child with chronic illness and he has been in and out of the hospital. In searching the web for pics that had hands in them I came across this blog post. I wanted to know if you would be willing to share your Love pic with the hands and feet in it with the non-profit we recently started to benefit children with chronic illness and their families. We are pairing Facebook Posts with beautiful pictures. Our non-profit is High-5-Club ( and we are a registered 501(c)(3) so you can read a little bit about what we do and our goals when considering giving us permission. I totally understand if you are not comfortable with this too, but thought it couldn't help to ask. Of course we would site you to credit the pic if you say yes. Our Facebook page is and this is where we would want to post the pic. I love that you are sharing your story and raising awareness about fostering and spina bifida. I also work in the field of special ed and work with many children in foster care and with disability. So I thank you for all you give back and the love you share. ~ Rochelle

    1. excuse the type-o's please...cite .....couldn't "hurt"
