
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Hearts Day!

When I was younger, I loved Valentine's Day. It has been about a decade since I have been this excited for V-day! Paul and I haven't really made much of this day ever. Annie's first Vday she had just turned one, and there wasn't much to do, ya know?  Last year we were in the hotel. :/  Huge bummer. This year, I have been beside myself with excitement with planning activities for the day.
I want Annie to associate Vday with family love, not romantic love. She'll see mommy and daddy showing each other love. She'll show love to mommy and daddy and we will show her love back.
We started last week by working on Vday decor. Tomorrow I will post all of our activities from today. :) Today, here are pics from our Vday photoshoot, complete with cheesy valentines- just like in the years past. ;)
2013 Photoshoot:

This was Annie's photoshoot on Vday 2011. She was 14 mths old. :) Notice she is wearing the same outfit in this as she is in the shoot from this year. :) She's finally growing. :) She is taking forever to grow, but she sure has changed. *sigh*

Cheesy Valentines:
She cried during most of the shoot, so I made lemons...smiling through tears. ;) 
 Sweet Valentine. You can have this valentine, but know it was really made for her love:

2012 (obviously) lol

Valentine's 2011

1 comment:

  1. I'm in love. These pics are all so cute. I especially love the ones with the frames from this year. She really is so beautiful!
