
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Annie's New Bff

We finally bought Annie her China Girl doll, (remember her twin from Oz I posted about a few days ago).


She has not stopped playing with her since we got her. It's not that she won't stop cuddling with her, she won't stop playing with her! Moms, I know you know the difference! She even slept with her last night! Makes my heart happy!

During the movie, China Girl gets injured and then fixed, (she's a China doll remember). When she gets brave enough to walk, I turned to Annie and said, "Annie, she's walking!" To which she relied, "she's taking steps! She's taking steps!" My heart exploded! During therapy we tell her to take steps, so she saw that China Girl wasn't just walking, but was learning to walk! How sweet is that?!

Annie's 2nd adoptionversary is this August, and the theme for her party will be China Girl. :) I was already planning on buying all the China Girl merchandise anyway, so that will make my job easier. ;)

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