
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Tonight we're watching Iron Man as a family (notice the picture of Paul and Annie)-Daddy's Little Girl (yes it's late- 11!  SOYO

Here are some recent pics of our Annie girl. Today Annie crawled around church and loved her independence, (wheel chair coming in 3 weeks!!). SOYO

SOYO, "she's only young once." Like YOLO (you only live once), but for our babies. Slow down moms! Enjoy your babies! Times goes way too fast! Let them get dirty, stay up late, watch movies, (as long as it's not hurting know how much sleep they require etc). :)

See also other cute pics. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love SOYO! I've been thinking about that lately and letting Nater stay up a bit later so we can go to the park or take a walk :)
