
Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I've wanted to buy Annie a fish tank, but they're pretty pricey and we do not have the room for one in our house at the moment.

So, we've settled for a beta fish. The finding Nemo fish tank was originally $20, marked down to $9, and it rung up only $1! The $7 Nemo statute cost the most out of everything, beta included! Lol

This fish is in honor of her second adoptionversary which is this Sunday. It's just the beginning of our celebrations this week (and of course our upcoming Disneyland trip). :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Silly Salad

Annie went to town eating salad today. I'm so thankful she's not picky like me! She kept saying, "mmmm, it's so good!"

Monday, July 22, 2013

License to Drive

Since she's able to drive, we'll be getting her one, one day. :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Princess Castle and Carriage Mural

Annie is getting her third (and final!) room in this house, (pretty pathetic since we've moved in a year ago in June! Lol).

I've completed her mural and now need to finish decorating her room. ;) Pics soon. :)

For now, here is the castle and the evolution of her carriage. :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Age Appropriate

I've always been mistaken for being younger than I am. I'll be 27 in about 2 weeks, and when Annie and I took this picture at my brother's rehearsal dinner I was taken aback. I feel like I actually look my age in this pic! Lol Still can't believe I'm this "old" already!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Photo Booth Fun

Here is our photo strip from the photo booth at my brother's wedding. :) The third picture went too fast for us. Lol

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We're going to DISNEYLAND

Yes, that's absolutely yell worthy and worth repeating...

We're going to Disneyland!

We are going to celebrate our special days in August... Annie's second adoptionversary, my 27th (which both fall on the same day), and Paul's 32nd.

Now, we're not going in August. We're going sometime in 2013. Ha! Keepin' it vague for safety! Lol

I've written about going to Disney many times, but this time it's actually happening! (100% booked, and we plan on Disney World next year).

Here are some of Annie's Disney toys:

Her Disney World (Cinderella) Castle. It was her Christmas gift from her grandparents. The bigger princesses pictured did not come with it, buy they also came from the Disney store. We will be getting her the Disneyland (Sleeping Beauty) Castle while we're there. :)

The other "castle" is the new Little People play set.  The princesses ride horses and the horses actually "trot." It's pretty cool, y'all! Definitely recommend it!

Lastly, Daddy is a gear head, so Annie has a decent car collection for them to play with together.

If you couldn't tell, we played with her toys today. Lol Playing on the tile floor certainly makes me miss carpet, (but we got tile for Annie's mobility so I can suffer). :)

Disneyland, here we come! :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Funny Little Flower Girl

Here are some phone pics that I stole from Facebook.

I stayed at the front of the church and Annie stayed in the back with the wedding coordinator. As you can imagine, I was nervous about Annie having to wheel down the aisle without my guidance.

She started down...sometimes wheeling off to the side. She'd wheel into a pew, and look down at everyone. Then she'd fix her course and continue down the aisle. I was so proud!

Then, she stopped the show! She wheeled up to my brother...stopped...bowed her head...closed her eyes...and prayed!

As you can imagine, not having my camera for this moment is completely heartbreaking!

Hoping to see other pictures soon!

(blogger loves to upload my phone pics out of order)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

{almost} Stealing a Dance

Someone posted this pic of Annie and me with my brother and sis in law at their wedding. She wanted to jump in with them, but changed her mind when we got close. :)

Can't wait to see other pics. :)

Still makes me sick to my stomach that I forgot my camera.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My New Love Language

If you want to show me love, show Annie love. It's pretty simple. :)

When we went to Fenway Park, everyone was super sweet to Annie. There is a little section for kids to go to if it's their first time to the park. They get a pin that reads, "my first time at Fenway," a baggie of Fenway park dirt, etc.

In that room, we met a police officer who asked where our seats were and he told us he'd be at first base. (our seats were in the back of the grandstand-where the wheelchair seats are-along the first base line. Basically we could search and find him, but he'd probably never find us.)

Right before the game started, (after the teams got to practice), I looked up and the police officer was walking towards us! How in the world did he a. remember where we would be and b. actually find us?!

He said hi to us and then handed Annie a practice ball!

Would it have been cool if it had been a home run ball? Of course. Would it have been cool if it had been signed? Totally.

But, the fact that the police officer took the time to get the ball, remember where we would be, and took the time to find us...It is absolutely priceless to me!

I was so very touched. I'm still mad at myself that I wasn't bold enough to ask him to take a picture with Annie.

So, displayed in our room is a practice ball that the Red Sox or the Blue Jays used. It has Fenway Park dirt stained on it.  It's worthless to most people. To me, it's a priceless reminder of a stranger's love shown towards our precious Annie! (and as a Red Sox fan, it's pretty cool too. lol)