
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We're going to DISNEYLAND

Yes, that's absolutely yell worthy and worth repeating...

We're going to Disneyland!

We are going to celebrate our special days in August... Annie's second adoptionversary, my 27th (which both fall on the same day), and Paul's 32nd.

Now, we're not going in August. We're going sometime in 2013. Ha! Keepin' it vague for safety! Lol

I've written about going to Disney many times, but this time it's actually happening! (100% booked, and we plan on Disney World next year).

Here are some of Annie's Disney toys:

Her Disney World (Cinderella) Castle. It was her Christmas gift from her grandparents. The bigger princesses pictured did not come with it, buy they also came from the Disney store. We will be getting her the Disneyland (Sleeping Beauty) Castle while we're there. :)

The other "castle" is the new Little People play set.  The princesses ride horses and the horses actually "trot." It's pretty cool, y'all! Definitely recommend it!

Lastly, Daddy is a gear head, so Annie has a decent car collection for them to play with together.

If you couldn't tell, we played with her toys today. Lol Playing on the tile floor certainly makes me miss carpet, (but we got tile for Annie's mobility so I can suffer). :)

Disneyland, here we come! :)

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