
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Boston 2013, Day 1

Just file this under "better late than never!" I have once again come to the library to steal their internet. :) (many pics were taken by Brooke- giving credit where credit is due.) :)
We stayed at Brooke's house the night before because our flight was at 6am! Here is Annie loving on Mudge. :)

Thursday May 9 we arrived in Boston!
Riding on the bus- noticed she is strapped in. We had just gotten her wheel chair weeks prior, and needless to say it made for an adventure.

 Waiting on the T. It took a few days to get used to it with the wheelchair. Brooke was my hero! I couldn't have done it alone!
We stayed at the Hotel Buckminster. It is over a hundred years old and is located pretty much next door to Fenway park. I've stayed in the financial district before, but I highly recommend this side of town- especially if you do a girl's trip like we did (hence, wanting to feel extra safe). While all of Boston is safe and wonderful, I loved this area because at night it was lively. You could leave the hotel and be around people- a lot safer feeling than if there was nobody! (besides Fenway, Boston College is also located around the corner which is why you get the lively atmosphere.)

Brooke got a great shot of us with the famous Citgo sign...I managed to mess up the shot- sorry Brooke!

Another reason I recommend this hotel is the room itself! It had a sitting room and a bedroom- very roomy! 

The view from our may be hard to see, but that is FENWAY PARK! Another plus to staying at this hotel! Besides being able to walk to the game, we had a great view of the park- everyday, game day or not. :)

Walking around, about to take on Commonwealth Ave.

 Part of Commonwealth ave. I had the brilliant idea to take pics here...

 Notice the water and the wheel markings?...
 It had rained, (and little did we know it was about to rain again), and Annie's wheels were covered!
And the rain began:

 She really fought us on smiling, but really it could be worse...
 Yes, that is my precious daughter, who smiles for any and all cameras, (even when they aren't taking her picture), decided to cross her eyes to be funny! Oh brother!
Never fear, out of the hundreds I took with these flowers, (not exaggerating), I did get a few good smiles:

 Notice my umbrella? It had begun sprinkling. Just enough rain to become an annoyance. And Brooke and I were carrying thousands of dollars worth of camera/equipment. As you may have guessed, the cameras/equipment were the ones sheltered with the umbrella.

 Pink "Snow" ;)

After suffering through the rain and the cold, we finally made it to my obsession our destination. Acorn St.  It was cold and rainy, but by golly we made it this far, I was not about to skip this opportunity! When we had our professional pics done in 2010, he introduced us to this street and I could not wait to get Annie's pics there!
Annie fought cooperation and a homeowner said we were not allowed there, (I'm not so sure...will be investigating her claim for future reference).  BUT, in spite all of that, it was worth it!

We had planned to go from our hotel, walk Commonwealth ave, go to Acorn St, then go to Quincy Market for dinner. We got to where we could see Faneuil Hall, (right in front of QM), and it would have taken us mere minutes to walk there...then a torrential down pour! We sought shelter in a place Paul and I frequented many times on our first trip:
This Dunkin' Donuts was right by our hotel (in 2010). We kept waiting for the rain to slow so we could get to Quincy Market and rest/eat/warm up!
Finally the rained slowed, (put it was still coming pretty hard) so we made a run for it. Then we came to the only way to our destination, (besides taking a 10 minute detour)...
Just picture it- pouring rain. Two women who barely knew anything about the wheelchair they have to carry down the steps. With a child in it. In the pouring rain. Trying not to slip. I had a hurt foot, and as always a bad back. Did I mention it was pouring? I took this pic on our last day there. We HAD to have it as a talisman of our wonder women moment!

Once at QM, we stopped to eat. Poor Annie, (us too!), were soaked and freezing. So I purchased myself a sweater and of course gave it to Annie to wear. When we were buying our food I looked down and Annie had fallen asleep in her wheelchair. Mommy guilt! It was so sad! We ate and rested a bit so Annie could sleep longer.

Thankfully the rain stopped for the night, (it may have sprinkled on the way home, but we took the T so I don't really know). When I was there in 2010, I saw a Build-a-Bear and they sold Wally! I HAD to take Annie! Thankfully, they still sold Wally, (after dreaming about taking her for 3 years, this seemingly insignificant moment would have been heartbreaking for me)!
She got to build Wally and a bear, Sweet Caroline. :)

 Needless to say, she was still very tired. lol
Tomorrow, Boston day 2

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you did that all in a day! BTW, Boston actually looks pretty similar to some of London!
