
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Woody and Buzz Remembered

March 2010 I met and fell in love with Woody and Buzz, (nicknames obviously). They finally moved in with us in July and 2 weeks later we had to say goodbye. We thought they would be ours forever.
I had planned on posting this in July, but we were still without internet. Now is as good a time as any though... Buzz turned 7 at the end of last month and Woody will turn 9 in two days.
Nine and seven. I can't believe it.
We said goodbye when they were just 5 and 3.
Man, I miss these sweet boys and have been constantly praying for them for the past 3 years.
 Jersey loved his brothers :)
 wrestling with Daddy
 Building/playing with Daddy in the playroom :)
 July in Popsicles on the way to the park. :)
 Buzz LOVED swinging :)
 Woody sought shelter from the sweltering July heat. Poor thing! lol
 It's hot y'all!
 Uncle J and Aunt E hung out with us quite often :)

We loved our jam sessions in the car

 Oleander shopping :)
 checkin' out the chickens at the landscaping store

 We loved dance parties inside too! They were great break dancers! ;)
 Reading the Bible with Daddy. Oh, and I picked their nicknames months prior, but how cool is it that they came with these pjs from their other foster home?! :)
 Auntay gave Buzz this jumbo dog and he clearly loved it. :)
 Auntay joined us at an Astros game. :) Buzz hitching a ride after the game. :)

 Pushing my three sons on a walk... can you spot our third son, Jersey? ;)
 We were all amazed that Daddy blew this whole thing up with just his lungs :)

 Tickles from Daddy
 Peace, Love Buzz
 Love this one of my Buzzy Boy!
Uncle J and Aunt E joined us on a trip to Kemah...
 Ferris Wheel Fun
 Riding the Train

 Woody loving time with Aunt E

Right before they left, I took them to a park:

 One of my favorites :)
 another day of break dancing :)
Hanging out one last time- waiting for their foster mom to pick them up, (she was handing them over to CPS. I was very thankful for that- I got to say a long goodbye where as when CPS came it would have been quick).

1 comment:

  1. oh man... TEAR! I can't believe how old they are now. When I think of them I still imagine them as young boys. It was heart breaking for us to say goodbye to them also but not nearly as hard as it was for you. They were sweet sweet boys. I hope they're doing good. Some times I just don't understand what our dear state of TX is thinking. They'll always be Keierliebers to me!
