
Thursday, November 7, 2013

She Finished Well

I have shared here before about my friend who is my hero and her daughter, Emma,  (also a hero of mine and one of my favorite missionaries). :) I just love these ladies and look forward to meeting them one day!
Emma had a friend, Alicia:
Emma on the left, Alicia on the right.
Alicia had cystic fibrosis. Terminal in the best circumstances. But she chose to be obedient to God's call and went to Africa as a short term missionary. Knowing the risks.
She went to be with Jesus on Tuesday, at just 23 years old.
I did not know her at all, but I am inspired by her and I want her story told- it deserves to be known!
Here is my friend, Linny's post, and here is a link to Alicia's blog- she requested that her sister do a post after she died.

Let's be obedient to God's calling- regardless the risk! Alicia was an amazing example, and now she gets to hear Jesus say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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