
Friday, November 15, 2013

Straight Haired Princess

In less than a month, this princess will be 4 years old. I am in denial.
I had a theory that if you straightened Carousel's hair it would be easier to manage.
I was wrong.
It took us an hour in the bath to prep and an hour to straighten. Too much torture work. I will be sticking with pom poms and her gorgeous fro. In the future if she wants her hair straightened for a day, I will do it, but that won't be for a long, long time.
After all of that work, I knew I needed to at least take pictures of Carousel's pain our hard work.
 As a gotchaversary present, Carousel was given a "real" princess crown from one of her friends. :)
 Her hair was twice as long when it was first straightened, but it started shrinking immediately- hence why I don't plan on straightening it often!

Ann Marie with Marie
 I have always wanted to get Marie from the Aristocats for Carousel. They do share a name after all. ;) Well, I found this at Disneyland and knew it was a must have! They had Marie and the Cheshire Cat- stuffed animals with boas for tails! So cool! (instead of a feather boa, the boa is just Marie's "fur.")

 The glare was really bad today, so we had to do one without her glasses.
Dumbo had to get in on the action. He is her best friend in the whole world, (second to me of course).

 If you couldn't tell, the 2 hour torture styling session took its toll. She was zoned for many pics, and this was the best I could get with Dumbo- smiling but looking away.  
Carousel requested that Jersey join her. :)

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