
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


A tale of three midnights:
Midnight, Last Night
I told Carousel last night that tomorrow night she would be in her own bed. Well, she decided she wanted to last night, at midnight. Hey, if she wants it, DO IT.
Earlier we did a shoot of Carousel and Bristol in their matching PJs. We wouldn't let her wear them unless they were sleeping in her room:

She was so excited to be in her room...
 (stinker wouldn't look at the camera)
 Bristol in her crib surrounded by her elephants, and cuddling with her favorite elephant, Emma Kate.
 Carousel cuddling with her elephant, Dumbo. So happy...
THEN she asked if I was staying with her.
It hit the fan, y'all!
She threw her first tantrum, ever. Tex wanted to throw in the towel. I did at first too when she started screaming...but when I checked on her and saw it was a tantrum and not distress I said, "forget this. I will not allow her to get her way after a tantrum." :)
She cried it out in 5 minutes, and spent the next 5-10 minutes calling out meekly, "Mom. Mom. Mom."
We all survived, and we will see how it goes tonight! lol
It's Midnight, Cinderella
{ten points if you get that title reference}
To celebrate our success, we did a Cinderella photoshoot with her life size Cinderella and Cinderella wig, (both Christmas gifts from Nana Nell).

 Carousel in costume, holding Bristol in costume. Carousel's first build a bear, Cinderelly. Life size Cinderella holding Cinderella's Princess Palace Pet, Pumpkin. :)

 Then she wanted to eat breakfast with her fellow Cinderellas. (and yes, Carousel's high chair has a baby doll high chair attached to it.) :)
 She wanted to use a fork to eat her bagel, lol, and I found her Cinderella fork. :)
 Then the 3 Cinderellas retired to my room to watch, you guessed it, Cinderella. (Carousel refused to smile).
And for your pleasure, here is a picture of Carousel in late October 2012 in another Cinderella costume photoshoot. :)

Midnight, Tonight
Unless you are living under a rock, you know tonight is New Year's.  I am torn. January-July 2013 felt to go at normal speed. But August-December FLEW BY. Way too fast! So, I am kinda sad to see 2013 end. Kinda.
I am so looking forward to 2014:
  • I will be seeing a specialist to get to the bottom of why I feel so badly, and Lord willing, I will feel better for good!
  • I will finish cleaning my house in January and keep it clean from then on out! (I already got a really good head start over the last few days) :)
  • I will keep losing weight. Once I lose 40 pounds I will begin running again, and begin training for...
  • I will run a half marathon in Boston in October 2014
  • We will become foster parents!
  • I will {finally} launch my non-profit!
  • I will blog everyday here and keep up with my other blog, The Belle of Boston.
  • I will begin homeschooling Carousel :)
(I don't make new year's resolutions...these were my plans for the year to begin with.)
I will be beginning 2014 with a few catch up posts from Christmas. :) Check back soon. :)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Carousel 365

One of my goals in my 30x30 is to take a picture of Carousel everyday for a year, starting on her 4th birthday, (December 10, 2013).  I won't post them on here everyday, so to keep up with it be sure to check out my page " Carousel 365" (see tab above).
Day 1:  December 10, 2013- her 4th birthday!
Day 2:  December 11, 2013
  Day 3:  December 12, 2013
Day 4:  December 13, 2013
Day 5:  December 14, 2013
Day 6:  December 15, 2013

Day 7:  December 16, 2013

Day 8:  December 17, 2013 (a gymnastics outfit) :)

Day 9:  December 18, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Girl and Her Dog

Carsouel wearing a shirt and skirt starring Jersey while posing with Jersey himself. :)

 Jersey looks like he is laughing. :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ode to Mary Poppins

Starting on her 4th birthday, I began taking pictures of Annie everyday for a year.
For this photo shoot I planned on using this umbrella we bought at Disneyland.
It was hand painted and you could pick what you wanted... I picked: carousel horse, Mickey balloons, Tiana and Sleeping Beauty's Castle (Disneyland castle). 
I was having trouble picking an outfit for this shoot.  Then I remembered this kite shirt! A kite shirt, horse pants, an umbrella- with a carousel horse?!  Mary Poppins would be proud. :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Emma Kate

Because Carousel loves Dumbo so much , we had to get Bristol her own elephant, Emma Kate, (meaning of her name). I picked that name long ago (always back and forth between Emma and Emmy), but was ecstatic to see there is a book about Emma Kate and her BFF- a girl and an elephant! Too perfect for words!!

One of our favorites! (which is why it is now the header) :)

kisses for Bristol...
can't forget Dumbo!
Carousel hugging Dumbo and Bristol hugging Emma Kate
The place I store photos automatically adds things sometimes- like this snow. :) Pretty sweet. :)