
Monday, December 9, 2013

Living in the Moment

 God has taught me so much with snow and last night He reminded me of this lesson.
First, he taught me to enjoy every moment, every miracle.
Second, to enjoy life- with or without Annie.
The reminder?
It was 10:30 PM. None of us were dressed, it was late, freezing cold, etc. Tex said I should just wait until morning.
But I knew better. First of all, there was powder, by morning it had frozen solid. I wanted Carousel to actually enjoy the snow and not just the ice.
Small sacrifices are worth it because we are not promised tomorrow.
From what I have lived through and since Carousel has had multiple brain surgeries, I think of her mortality often. Well, daily.
AND, even if she lives to be 100, she is only a child for so long. She will be 4 tomorrow! TIME FLIES! I want to enjoy every second while she is little.
Also, that morning she slept past 11 and was feeling crummy all day- laid down all day. I would have been bummed to miss the snow- but we didn't!
We played in the snow and I got priceless pictures.
I am so thankful for every second I get to be her mommy and so thankful for every moment God gives us in the snow. :)


  1. Love this! Annie is going to grow up always associating snow with you and your love for it!

  2. Happy birthday to our big girl Annie!!!
