
Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

We started a new family tradition in 2010, Carousel's first Christmas with us. Every Christmas Eve we go to the zoo where we can share the Creation story which leads very nicely into the first sin- the Fall of man. So when we celebrate Jesus's birth the next day, Carousel will understand why we needed a Savior in the first place. Christmas morning we have a birthday party for Jesus, complete with cake, (come on, cake for breakfast- what kid wouldn't want that?), and we save gift giving for later that day (if we even do that).
With all that said, on Christmas Eves 2011 and 2012 we missed our zoo trips. It is hard to keep this tradition when there is no zoo nearby, (we started this tradition when we lived in Houston).
However, this year we were able to go to the Fort Worth Zoo. :)
 We sure do love our elephants!!

hippos are behind them...

 the sun was impossible that day!

 This little guy is a Sloth Bear. Could there BE a better name for him? ;) Notice his tongue hanging out? :)
 with the zebras

 lions behind...

Feeding the birds:

 Notice what is really cool about this pic? Look in the right top corner... ;)

 our favorite letter :)
We ate inside a really cool place:

 (and yes, we had to eat Burger King! lol)
I'll leave you with some zebras :)

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