
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

Last night I kept Carousel up till midnight and did a photoshoot in the first minute of 2014!
She got to wear makeup for the first time. :) She has been begging for some makeup lately, (which is funny since I never wear makeup! lol).
And yes, I got choked up as we watched the clock turn to midnight and then I started to shoot our makeup wearing 4 year old princess. Emotion hit out of gratitude that we get to spend another year with our beautiful girl. My dream come true!
Oh, and I forgot to mention something about 2013... Carousel didn't have one surgery! First year ever!
2009: SB closure surgery and 1 Brain Surgery (she was born 2 weeks before the new year)
2010: 1 Brain surgery (before she came to us)
2011: 3 Brain Surgeries
2012: 2 Brain Surgeries
2013: NOTHING!! (a few hospitalizations but no surgeries!)
So while 2013 wasn't my favorite (wasn't my least favorite either), we have to celebrate the year of NO surgeries!!
Without further adieu, Carousel at her midnight shoot:
 Her fro is really coming in and I couldn't be happier. I LOVE IT!

 When I dressed her she said she needed a necklace. So, I grabbed her my Christmas present- her heartbeat on a necklace. :)  More details later. :)
 Makeup, y'all! :)
And for your terror:
 My camera caught this of Carousel moving her eyes- she looks like she is wearing monster contacts. lol
Then this morning we did another photoshoot, since it is still the same day as last night. :)

We wish y'all a happy 2014- we can't wait to see what God has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. That little girl is absolutely gorgeous! Love her fro! She looks like a little adult :-)
