
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bad Blogger

I have changed my blog address for the final time! I know I lost many readers because of that, and that saddens me (not on purpose, but because they can no longer find me). BUT I was so excited when I received an email from a reader across the country asking about us and the blog. Made my whole day!
I hope to get back to blogging regularly soon!  It is a daunting task because I have to go back and change our names on every old post. Even more daunting- having to go to every post where I have linked to other blog posts and update those links to this new blog. Not to mention, taking pictures of Carousel everyday since her 4th birthday (5 months ago!) means I am way behind on my posts. Just the thought of taking pictures off my camera is overwhelming- then I need to organize them and do a post.  So, I am sorry I have neglected my blog, but I am a little overwhelmed. :)
Also, we moved and have been in the hotel for almost 2 months now. Our close date has been moved up 2 days!! So, now we close in 8 days!!! WAHOOO!! I am so excited and ready to settle!
Another reason I have not been blogging is I am still feeling like garbage. I was finally able to make a drs appointment and the week after we move in I get to go and hopefully get to the bottom of it once and for all! (after a year of drs appointments and pretty much every test you can imagine, hopefully this dr will figure it out. I am actually fairly certain I know what this is- pray we can figure this out!).
Here is a video of Carousel from yesterday- she is acting like she is crying. Seriously, she needs her own show on Disney Channel. I'll be waiting for that call. ;) 


  1. Oh my goodness she is so big!! I hope I can see her growing up now since we're not that far away from each other!

  2. If it wasn't for pinterest, I wouldn't have found you! I'm glad you updated your blog on there. Can you email me your new address? We'll be sending out info soon about our exciting transition!
