
Sunday, February 10, 2008


Love Is Here - Tenth Avenue North

come to the waters,
you who thirst
and you'll thirst no more.
come to the father,
you who work
and you'll work no more.
and all you
who labor in vain
and to the
broken and shamed:
love is here. love is now. love is pouring from his hands, from his brows. love is near, it satisfies. streams of mercy flowing from his side.

This song is new on Christian radio, so new that I can't even download it yet. It is an amazing song! Just look at the lyrics! Christ's love is SO AMAZING! This picture is pretty amazing too! It is Jesus Christ as a young boy. He is in the workshop with His father. He is playing with three nails, and a cross is His shadow. He will be nailed to the cross some 30 years later with these three nails! Pretty powerful!

I know that you who are reading this may not know Christ like this. You may find it weird that I love God so much, that I would live my life only to serve Him, and I put Him before my husband, and before myself! Well, it is the most amazing thing in the world to know Christ, and I only know true love and happiness because He loves me. You too can know Christ if you accept Him into your heart! Afterwards, repent of your sin and follow Him all the days of your life.

Seriously, it is that easy. However if you choose not to accept Christ, you are in BIG TROUBLE. If you accept Christ you will go to Heaven, if you don't you will go to HELL! PERIOD! It doesn't matter how "good of a person you are."
If you do not know Christ, then God will not know you!

If I have struck a nerve, or if you want to know more, feel free to ask! I want you to! I want everyone to go to Heaven. I do not want any of you to go to Hell!

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