
Monday, February 4, 2008

A year of love and slobber...

A year ago today we got Jersey. I never wanted a boy dog, or a maltese/bichon. A girl in class said her roomate neglected her puppy and I said I would take it... long story short, we got Jersey.

At first I was worried that I just wanted a dog so bad that I just settled on Jersey, and I wondered if it was a mistake. I always wanted a girl dog, and out of all the breeds I was deciding between, a maltese was never one I was considering.

Soon after we got him, I knew he was a very special dog and he stole my heart immediately! God sent us a very well behaved and loving dog! We just love him!

Today, Jersey and I went for a walk at Oyster Creek Park. That was where I first took him to teach him to walk on a leash. He loves it there now! 

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