
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

House update AGAIN, and More pics from Thanksgiving...

I know, I know second post of the day... I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I know, I know, I need patience!


As I promised... more pics from our thanksgiving photo shoot...

Love this one... do you see Jersey's bow tie? ;)

I liked this one of The Jerz... it looks like he is sticking out his tongue like a little boy would! ;)


See I told you my mirrors might be up! ;)
We have grass, trees, plants, flower beds, etc!!!
Our back splash is in... what do you think? (there is a protectant layer on the granite fyi)
Close up... so what do you think? It would have looked SO much better with the other granite!
Panoramic setting on my camera! ;) Oh, and for those of you who are wondering... they gave us a washer/dryer worth over $2000 to make up for their mistake.  My Lobster was ecstatic... to me it wasn't a good enough make up, but oh well.


  1. Cute pics!! I love that fireplace in the background.

  2. love love love your kitchen! i hope they speed up your closing date! congrats on having a home!
