
Monday, December 8, 2008

A Moment to Breathe...

This weekend was NUTS!!!!

Starting Thursday, I spent ALL day with my mom at the mall. I also got to spend time with my sister, cousin, and aunt there too! It was so fun, but when you see the rest of my weekend you will see how it just added to my busyness. Friday My Lobster was off and we went to the Kingdom to try to fix our granite issue, then we had to deal with another issue in the Galleria area, then we had to go to our Hometeam Christmas party. Saturday we had JuJu's 2nd birthday party, then we went to the Kingdom to collect our extra brick, (I'll explain later), and then we had our Tbone Christmas party, after that we had to go to Walmart at 10pm. Sunday, My Lobster had setup team, we had to teach our 2nd and 3rd graders, we went to the Kingdom to get more brick and then we had our SaLT Christmas party, (SaLT is the ministry leaders group at our Church). Honestly, it was nuts!!! Friday morning when we awoke, I turned to My Lobster and said, "I know this sounds crazy, but I can't wait until Monday!" Honestly though, we were beat, but we had fun! :)

Tomorrow, My Lobster had to take off some time from work to meet with the builder to fix our kitchen problem. The cabinets and granite are wrong!!! If they can't fix it then we are going to get them to paint our walls, (we have all the colors picked out already). The kitchen is pretty, but not what I wanted. BUT if they can save us the money of painting, and the TIME and WORK of painting then I would be happy. So we will see what the builder will say tomorrow. Oh, and about the brick! Since they ran out of brick they had to order more. Well, they ordered WAY too much. They were going to throw away almost 3 palates of brick!!! Well, my handy man hubby saw all that brick as a project, so we went to put it in our garage to claim it! We were quite happy at this!!! In the model home, the fans are white with silver accents, and that just DOES NOT match our darker fixtures. I thought that was stupid, but knew I had to deal with it. Well, you can imagine my excitement when I saw these fans installed!!! :)
I ♥ our entry way "chandelier." It is raised a bit to make sure workers don't mess it up! :)
The wrong granite and cabniets. Still pretty, but wrong....
Another shot... see it's pretty, but not what I had envisioned....

I heard a song on the radio called "Merry Christmas," by Third Day. I bawled my eyes out! It was about adoption, and it definitely describes how I am feeling. As soon as we are done with the house we will begin the process and we CAN'T WAIT!!! ♥

There's a little girl trembling on a cold December morn
Crying for momma's arms
At an orphanage just outside a little China town
Where the forgotten are

But half a world away I hang the stockings by the fire
And dream about the day when I can finally call you mine

It's Christmas time again but you're not home
Your family is here and yet you're somewhere else alone
And so tonight I pray that God will come and hold you in his arms
And tell you from my heart I wish you Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to our sweet babies!!! We can't wait to have you home with us! ♥ Mommy and Daddy!