
Saturday, December 20, 2008


Last night we hung out with our friends and I was too lazy to get my camera for these next two pics, (you'll see why), so I used my phone, but they are blog worthy...
We made ginger bread men, and I decorated my dog to look like Jersey of course! If you think my icing looks weird or it looks bad cause it is not smooth... it was on purpose... I made his hair have a little curl like the real Jersey... that's what I get for being lazy and using my camera phone... lost clarity...
Speaking of losing clarity... this was really unnecessary to take the time to get my camera, so we will just have to deal...My Lobster watching tv and our friend's 5 year old deiced to make him a fairy! He didn't even notice!

Our house is DONE! Everything is in our house that needs to be. Why can't we move in sooner? Well, we are gonna fight it! In a God honoring way of course! ;)

Our island... LOVE IT!!!!
Panoramic view of our kitchen with applainces... colors look a little weird...
Window in our kitchen... will be a window seat... :)
Panoramic view of our bathroom... I'm on the left...
A panoramic shot of our living room from the entry way...
A shot of the entry way and living room from the front door step, (duh!) ;)
I love our front door!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jersey's got a girlfriend!

There was a country song by the Wilkinsons called, "Jimmy's got a girlfriend," hence the title.

Jersey has a girlfriend! Introducing Moose, or Moo for short! Isn't this a great picutre of my friend B? Seriously, B, you look awesome! :) Moo is 7 weeks old and already about the size of Jersey. Jersey weighs 18 lbs, and Moo will weigh over 100! WOW! She sure is precious though! :) Look at the size of her feet!
Yep it "snowed" yesterday here in Houston. All you northerners need to understand that to us Houstonians, what occurred yesterday was rare, and it DOES count as snow! ;) Here is a shot of my window from inside my car, (I was at HEB, and too embarrassed to let people see me taking a picture of the "snow" so I did it inside my car)! lol
I went by The Kingdom today, and so I FINALLY got a shot in the light! We are waiting on carpet, our door, and appliances, and THAT IS IT! Why do we have to wait till January 13th to close? :(

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

House update AGAIN, and More pics from Thanksgiving...

I know, I know second post of the day... I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I know, I know, I need patience!


As I promised... more pics from our thanksgiving photo shoot...

Love this one... do you see Jersey's bow tie? ;)

I liked this one of The Jerz... it looks like he is sticking out his tongue like a little boy would! ;)


See I told you my mirrors might be up! ;)
We have grass, trees, plants, flower beds, etc!!!
Our back splash is in... what do you think? (there is a protectant layer on the granite fyi)
Close up... so what do you think? It would have looked SO much better with the other granite!
Panoramic setting on my camera! ;) Oh, and for those of you who are wondering... they gave us a washer/dryer worth over $2000 to make up for their mistake.  My Lobster was ecstatic... to me it wasn't a good enough make up, but oh well.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Moment to Breathe...

This weekend was NUTS!!!!

Starting Thursday, I spent ALL day with my mom at the mall. I also got to spend time with my sister, cousin, and aunt there too! It was so fun, but when you see the rest of my weekend you will see how it just added to my busyness. Friday My Lobster was off and we went to the Kingdom to try to fix our granite issue, then we had to deal with another issue in the Galleria area, then we had to go to our Hometeam Christmas party. Saturday we had JuJu's 2nd birthday party, then we went to the Kingdom to collect our extra brick, (I'll explain later), and then we had our Tbone Christmas party, after that we had to go to Walmart at 10pm. Sunday, My Lobster had setup team, we had to teach our 2nd and 3rd graders, we went to the Kingdom to get more brick and then we had our SaLT Christmas party, (SaLT is the ministry leaders group at our Church). Honestly, it was nuts!!! Friday morning when we awoke, I turned to My Lobster and said, "I know this sounds crazy, but I can't wait until Monday!" Honestly though, we were beat, but we had fun! :)

Tomorrow, My Lobster had to take off some time from work to meet with the builder to fix our kitchen problem. The cabinets and granite are wrong!!! If they can't fix it then we are going to get them to paint our walls, (we have all the colors picked out already). The kitchen is pretty, but not what I wanted. BUT if they can save us the money of painting, and the TIME and WORK of painting then I would be happy. So we will see what the builder will say tomorrow. Oh, and about the brick! Since they ran out of brick they had to order more. Well, they ordered WAY too much. They were going to throw away almost 3 palates of brick!!! Well, my handy man hubby saw all that brick as a project, so we went to put it in our garage to claim it! We were quite happy at this!!! In the model home, the fans are white with silver accents, and that just DOES NOT match our darker fixtures. I thought that was stupid, but knew I had to deal with it. Well, you can imagine my excitement when I saw these fans installed!!! :)
I ♥ our entry way "chandelier." It is raised a bit to make sure workers don't mess it up! :)
The wrong granite and cabniets. Still pretty, but wrong....
Another shot... see it's pretty, but not what I had envisioned....

I heard a song on the radio called "Merry Christmas," by Third Day. I bawled my eyes out! It was about adoption, and it definitely describes how I am feeling. As soon as we are done with the house we will begin the process and we CAN'T WAIT!!! ♥

There's a little girl trembling on a cold December morn
Crying for momma's arms
At an orphanage just outside a little China town
Where the forgotten are

But half a world away I hang the stockings by the fire
And dream about the day when I can finally call you mine

It's Christmas time again but you're not home
Your family is here and yet you're somewhere else alone
And so tonight I pray that God will come and hold you in his arms
And tell you from my heart I wish you Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to our sweet babies!!! We can't wait to have you home with us! ♥ Mommy and Daddy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

House Update... ugh!

So we only have about a day or two days left of work to be done on our house, so we can assume it will take a few weeks. :/
MOST of our house is bricked... they ran out of brick apparently, it should have been done weeks ago... ugh!!!
See where they ran out! GRR!!! Oh well, Jersey gets to explore his new backyard for the first time! :)
Jersey exploring his house finally... he is in the entry way.. :)
Jersey in the dining room looking out the window! :)
The tile in the kitchen... waiting on granite and back splash! :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We spent Thanksgiving at my dad's house in San Antonio. I have SO many pics of The Jerz, but I will spare y'all. We took some pics for Christmas cards, and here are our favorites... (my dad has to send me another set which you will see later this week). :)Mommy and Jersey
I love this dress, but you can't really see it here... do you see Jersey's bow tie? :)
Our favorite! :)
Close second...
I like this one, but I wish we looked better... the background in this one is my fav, but oh well...
Same with this one... like the background, but we are not that cute here...

Maybe next Thanksgiving we will have a little one in the pictures too! ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Obama is not the only one getting his cabinet together...

Yep, you guessed it, we have CABINETS!!! And our trim and walls are painted! YEA!!! Our brick is ALMOST done, (I don't know why they didn't finish it, and at first I was a little mad... BUT then I saw how much they did on the inside, so I wasn't so mad after all)! ;)

My bathroom cabinet, (PK's is on the other side). :) I ♥ that they are separate, and I have a vanity! :)
My closet built in, painted! :)
Our pantry, and space for our fridge! :)
I love our cabinets... now we need our granite, and right before we close they will put in our appliances, (they wait till the last minute cause if they don't appliances tend to grow legs... not in our neighborhood, but in general). :)
Our painted fire place! Oh, and you can't really see, but on my sweatpants, do you see the red writing? It says Texas Tech Red Raiders! WRECK 'EM TECH! My Lobster went to Tech, so we are pretty excited this season! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

House Update and Picture Catch Up Day!

Drywall going up...
Drywall completed!
Our trim is painted! :) Color is hard to see...

Patiently awaiting bricking to begin. Probably today actually! See the sand they will use to mortar! Oh, and like our garage door? :)


Since Blogger wouldn't let me upload pics for so long, here are some pics that would have been posted. AND, the first couple are from this weekend, Enjoy!

For the middle school sleepover, the girls got to ride in a stretch Hummer limo. The girls were SO excited!!!
In the limo
Yesterday I went to R's 9th birthday party! She was one of my faves at Extended day. I met her when she was in Kindergarten!
Me and R

On a Wednesday night with the high schoolers, we all dressed alike! It was crazy! If only I were still blonde!
E and me at the high school sleepover back in October.

My Lobster's truck was so happy to feel like a truck again!!! Don't you love the red barn?! Our friends at Church offered us some hay bails for a Halloween outreach so we went to pick them up. They live 2 minutes up the road from our house, and they said we can ride anytime. When we move in, I WILL take them up on that!! :)
This was SO SCARY!!! Not being up there, but having to come down!!! The steepest ladder ever, and getting on to it was SO HARD!!! (You almost have to jump over a ledge to get onto it).

I fed the horses with hay that had fallen out of the bails. :)