
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Growing Pains Part 5

I always knew I wanted to adopt. Always. But I was disobedient to God's leading on that in my life. He wanted total surrender, but that was too hard for me. So, I would surrender a little, "Ok, I'll have all the birth children I want, then I will adopt however many you want to give me... No? Ok, I will have 2 or 3 birth children and adopt the rest.... No? Ok, I will have only one child, then adopt the rest."

See, I never totally submitted to Christ's Call. I did what I felt comfortable with. You see, when it got down to "I'll have only one and adopt the rest," I was really praying, "God, please please please let me have one! I have to have one! How terrible would that be to never have a birth child!" I knew what God really wanted, but it wasn't easy to swallow. Then in July 2008, I went to Church camp with the youth, and God spoke to me loud and clear.... so much so that I couldn't pretend to be obedient any longer, total surrender was expected! David Nasser was the speaker, and he said, "there are 200,000,000 orphans in the world, and if only 7% of THE CHURCH would adopt, there would be no need for orphanages!" At that moment I realized my disobedience, and understood why God had called us to this life of adoption. 7% of a people is not much, and it isn't even 7% of the world! No, it is 7% of the believers in the world! Wow! That means it won't take that many to wipe out the orphanages! Recently I found a new blog friend, and she is someone I greatly look up to as a woman, wife, mother, and home schooler. ;) She had a quote awhile back that was heartbreaking. "
1.1% of the population has adopted." WOW! Isn't that terrible, especially in light of the statistic from David Nasser? If you feel God tugging on your heart to adopt- don't ignore it!

Now, I have had many objections in my obedience from many people. That's ok. It is a radical thing God called us to, and I wasn't to keen on it at first either. Will we ever have birth children? Sure, if that is God's will. It will never be our will, so it will never be on our terms. We will never try to get pregnant, and if God decides to bless us then we will rejoice. But do you know what? I am 100billion% ok with not having a birth child. NEVER in my life did I would think I could come to that. But, I find my joy In Christ, not in getting pregnant. I am happy to be a mommy, period. Who says being a mommy= pregnancy? There are many women out there that had birth children, but they are terrible mothers. Think of all the children that are beaten across the world. No, blood doesn't mean anything! It is a heart matter! Let me leave you with this, (on this subject): as Christians, we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ. That means that if you have an unbelieving family member, then you are more family to me than you are to them. It is the truth, people. So, in reality, when I said blood doesn't matter, I wasn't entirely correct. Our family blood does not matter... the blood of Christ does!

I know the children God created for me will only be mine for awhile, then they will grow up and have families of their own. I only have about 18 years to raise them to know Jesus and to teach them to live their lives in glory of Him. We are ready Lord; ready when you are!

Click here for my whole recount of summer camp, and read about the other thing God have me leave behind that week, my engagement ring.

Check back for part 6 of this installment soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for your desire to have God be Lord over your womb. Very few people are doing that these days. K & I have been doing that and not hindering His will for over a year now. If God chooses to give us more children; it's all up to Him. It's so freeing to know that we're not hindering or birth "controlling" what God may have planned for our family.
