
Monday, March 30, 2009

Growing Pains Part 6

As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, "Basically, in order to fully follow Christ, we may have to leave behind possessions, earthly treasures, family, occupation, or the group (clique). Of course this is not always easy." I have shown you how God has grown me and had me change in these areas:

1. I gave up my love of dating, and dressing, among other things (Part 2)
2. I gave up how the world deals with death, and dealt with it as God intended (Part 2)
3. I gave up people pleasing for God pleasing (Part 3)
4. I gave up my hatred for forgiveness (Part 4)
5. I gave up my engagement ring and my womb (Part 5)

There are many other ways that God changed me, and many other things He led me to give up, (work for example), but I am only highlighting these, and a few more...

At the same time God called me to give up my ring and womb, He also had me give up something else... T.V. I spent way too much time watching T.V., and not to mention, all the trash that is on it these days. So if you come to our house, we have a television for watching movies, but if you try to change the channel, the screen will go to the ants.

Then about bout 2 weeks ago, God was loud and clear again. And, once again, He got loud because I had been ignoring Him. He called us to something radical, but it was a very painful thing to do. What was this radical/painful thing to do? Give up my movies. Huh? Really, that's it? Ok, let me explain...

After becoming a Christian I knew certain movies were unacceptable to God, so I got them out of my life. Easy. Then I heard God again prompting me, but I (once again), didn't like what I was hearing. If you study the word, "ungodly," you will find that it is not a synonym for wicked; no it is an antonym for godly... meaning simply, void of God. So in other words, a rated R movie with sex and cussing is wicked, while a Disney movie is only ungodly. Starting to make sense? Every time I would hear a sermon on ungodliness, (yes, the nudges from God go as far back as Kempton, Caryn), or read it in God's Word, I would see Disney, but I would shake it off. There is nothing evil about Disney, and I didn't own any rated R movies, so what is the big deal God?

The big deal? When I sat in front a t.v. show or movie for like 2 hours... well, that was 2 hours I could have spent with God. God created us to glorify Him, to love Him, to fellowship with Him. How is watching Beauty and the Beast fellowshipping with God? It is not. I may have a little free time now, but when kids come it will dwindle to nothing, I am aware. How should I spend my free time... with Cinderella? Or with God? Um, yeah, GOD!!!

God called us to give up all our secular movies, and only keep the movies that are godly. This way, if we watch a movie in our free time, we are still spending time with God!

What was so hard about that? Well:

1. I spent a good chunk of change on all of this
2. Since I was getting rid of the secular movies, I also got rid of secular books, meaning...
3. The "library" I had been collecting for my kids for years has shrunk dramatically
4. Since I don't have tv, and now I barely have any movies, what am I going to watch, (you can
only watch the same thing so many times).
5. I LOVE DISNEY! It is not wicked, so why do I have to get rid of it???

God loving said, "Because I said so." Now when your mom says that it is irritating, but when the Creator of the Universe says it, it is comforting and empowering.

All my movies and books, (I gave a good amount of the books to my sister, (future school teacher) ;)
The top 4 were particularly hard to get rid of... I LOVE princess stories, and these were four of my all time favorite!!! Serioulsy, getting rid of all of these made me feel like I did when I broke up with a boyfriend in middle school... I knew I needed/ wanted to, but it was still losing a companion... these companions are better than m.s. boyfriends... they are always there!!! Ok, drama queen! GOD IS ALWAYS THERE!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW...what a radical move & godly example! I liked when you said,

    "that was 2 hours I could have spent with God. God created us to glorify Him, to love Him, to fellowship with Him."

    Matt. 19:29 - And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.
