
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Growing Pains Part 7

Last Wednesday, God called me to something that is really hard! Really hard. Ok, really hard for me!

You see, He gave me a vision for a painting, (maybe two). What is so hard about that, you ask? I COULDN'T DRAW/PAINT TO SAVE MY LIFE!!! Honestly, I'm pathetic!

I talked to Paul, and he said I should enroll in an art class. As soon as I started looking into it, I felt satan start attacking me. He does NOT want this painting done.

Why would satan attack me over a painting? Why would God care so much about/waste His time on something so menial as a painting?

1. This will be one of the most humbling experiences for me. School was pretty easy for me. I didn't mind going to class because when you are good at something, well you are good at it. Even math class that wasn't my best... I could still answer a few questions here and there and manage to still make myself look good. Not in art! It is kinda hard to fake that. Why would I intentionally put myself through something that is so humbling for me? To glorify God... yeah, satan doesn't like that too much.

2. When the painting is completed...
a. God will be glorified because I am so paint/drawing challenged, it will be obvious that God had His hand in it!
b. The vision that God gave me to paint is glory to Him in it of itself!

What is something that God has called you to give up, (or to pick up), in order to follow Him, (and ultimately for His glory)?

1 comment:

  1. God has called me to speak to groups of women on various occassions. I AM NOT a speaker, but the Lord wants to use me as a mouthpiece for His glory and I must submit to His will.

    BTW - I am giving a short talk at our Women's Conference in 3 weeks. There's suppose to be 450-500 women there! PLEASE pray for me!
