I was in the 7th grade when it all happened. I was a "Christian," but I was not yet saved. In the weeks following the massacre, we heard about a girl that was asked if she believed in God. When she said yes, she was killed. That girl was Cassie Bernall. Her story was a wonderful tool at that time because it made all of us kids from the Bible belt wonder if we would do the same thing. We all said/hoped we would say yes, but when you are not saved it is harder to stand up for what you believe in when death is staring you in the face. I was pretty sure I would say yes, but now ten years later, now that I am saved- I would DEFINITELY say YES! Below is a picture of her book, "She Said Yes." It is a must read! SERIOUSLY! :)

Another Christian girl murdered that day, that I didn't know much about until recently is Rachel Scott.

Below is an excerpt from one of her diaries, (she had one with God, and 2 with 2 different friends).

She, nor Cassie, were ashamed of Christ. Do you know why? They knew that nothing bad would happen to them.
Yes they were murdered, and to us that seems bad, but it was not. You see, since they knew Christ, they went to be in Heaven. We all can agree that this world is hard and scary, but there is no pain in Heaven. There are no tears. We miss those who have gone before us, but they are not sad. They are so happy there!
With the world we live in, don't you want to have that same comfort? Knowing that you can stand up to anything- even death?
You can. Just accept Christ as your Savior. Yes, even you need a Savior. We have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Yes, that one lie you told yesterday is a sin and it makes you worthy of Hell. PERIOD. There is NOTHING YOU can do to change that. The lie is on your permanent record. But there is hope. Even though there is nothing YOU can do, there is someone who paid your penalty. JESUS. When He died on the Cross He suffered the fires of Hell for YOU. He paid YOUR debt! All we can do is accept His sacrifice as a gift, accept Him as your Savior, repent of your sin, and live for HIM. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!
If you want to know more about Jesus, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will not pretend to know all the answers, but I will try to help you find someone who may know more if needed. :)
One of my best friends lent me She Said Yes, and I agree, it was a great book.
ReplyDeletei have Rachel Scotts book that came out after she died - it was one of my favorites in high school because of how she was so proud of her convinctions. inspirational.
ReplyDeletei now go to school with a girl who was actually there at columbine - she was a freshman and to this day when she talks about it she gets really upset. we still need to pray for all that were affected by this tragedy.. its so sad that so many amazing lives were cut short.
Actually, Cassie Bernall wasn't the one who said yes... the FBI investigation confirms it was another student, Valeen Schnurr, who said yes and was shot anyway and survived. I think the fact she survived multiple gun shots I think is an even greater testament to her faith and that God and angels were with her that day.
I'm sure more people than Cassie said Yes, actually. Cassie and Valeen Schnurr, as well as many others very well could have said yes. I don't doubt Cassie said yes.