My blog is no longer private. Lets hope that people can behave themselves! I have disabled the anonymous comment, so maybe that will help.
Today is 3 years since Paul and I met online! ♥
Jersey had a brush with death while we were away.
We had our sweet neighbor watch Jersey for us. We have a little "dog run" set up in the back yard since Jersey has found a way to get under the fence. When we got home we found that Jersey's tags had fallen off... oh well no big, right? Wrong! Apparently what happened was while Jersey was on the run, his tags broke off his collar, (well the part of the collar that holds on his tags and where you put the leash broke), so he was able to run free. Our other neighbor noticed him outside the fence. :/
He has a jump drive on his collar, so he had some identification, but most people don't even notice the drive. If he had gotten lost without tags, someone may have kept him or brought him to the shelter!!! OR he could have gone into the street and that is as far as I'll go there...
Thank You Lord for protecting him! We are very grateful!
Here are some pics of The Jerz that I have had on my camera, and just had not uploaded yet. Enjoy!

His favorite thing to do: "Go bye bye in the car!"

Jersey through his tail... weird shot...

Jersey loves looking out windows, I love taking pictures and playing with lighting...

Jersey never leaves my side during the day... that is until about 30 minutes before Paul arrives home. Jersey will go into the hall, as seen in this picture, and he will lay there. Why you ask? He has a view of me and the front door. HA! He won't go too far from me, but he wants to wait for Daddy! UMMM, yeah! ADORABLE!

We finally had enough growth that Paul was able to mow, and Jersey greatly enjoyed it...

Paul was playing with Jersey, and he insisted that I take this picture because Jersey looked, "so cute!"


Jersey LOVES our window seat in the kitchen... I thought it was cute that he got his head "stuck"

Obviously it wasn't stuck under the curtain, but he sure acted like it was... he just stayed right under it for awhile! lol
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