
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy Bee

Busy Busy Busy- that's me! I can't believe it has been so long since my last post! I usually post once a day, and now it has been almost a week! :/

This will be a long picture post, but who will complain about that, right? lol

I have been busy for two reasons, 1. HARRY POTTER! The 6th installment comes out tomorrow! I have been getting Paul and my sister up to speed on the other 5 movies, so I have had the last few days consumed with Harry.

2. I have been redecorating my house... here are some of the improvements, others I am still in the process of. :)

My friend, Elise is helping me make a Cornice for my dining room.
All we used was foam board and fabric...
Ready for fabric...
Starting to come together...
Close up. I LOVE it! We got the idea on Rachel Ray's show from the girl from Design on a Dime. :)

Next, my room! My mom bought us new bedding, (not pictured yet) and so I have been busy accessorizing. :)

My new bedside table display. :) That is my Bible, covered in paper- more detail below. :)
I loved this frame at Hobby Lobby. My friend Caryn made that pic for our 2nd anniversary card, and I knew I wanted it displayed. How cute is that? :)
This book is old and was sent to me by my Greek grandfather. I knew I wanted to decorate with it, and this was just the perfect place for it! :)
Something else I got from that episode of R.R. Wrapping your books, so they don't look junky on a shelf. Pretty cool, huh?
Close up... I LOVE how it turned out!
For Elise's housewarming party I made this arrangement. I saw it at HEB for quite a bit of $$$, so I decided to do it myself! It was a hit, and even Paul loved it so much that he wants me to do it at our house regularly! :)

Harry Potter TOMORROW, and hopefully I will be less BUSY BUSY, so I can get back to blogging! :)


  1. Your house looks AMAZING! I am obsessed with HGTV shows. I seriously might copy what you did in your dining room after I'm done making drapes. Maybe you can help me?

  2. awesome! You are so talented, I guess you got that from me! LOL

  3. You are doing such a great job decorating. Beautiful.

  4. I just posted a comment on your other blog about your decor ideas.

    I was so pleasantly surprised to see the Anniversary card that I made you two. It looks even better framed. The Lord always blesses you with cute, unique ideas!
