
Monday, July 20, 2009

Hermione, Can I borrow your Time Turner?

Yes, I could really use extra time right now- to blog at least. :)

Taylor is on her way over to hang out and watch Clarissa Explains it All. Remember that show?

Now for a little catch up:

I just painted the walls, and made the art work above my bed. What do you think? :) Oh I got the paint FOR FREE! My new friend Traci informed me of this giveaway on her blog. Thanks Trace!
Glo Glo and Ju Ju came over for a visit! We had so much fun! They noticed the HUGE kennel, and decided to play! :)
I made this for my mom's birthday this year... the colors make me smile...
The pic to go inside! Ok, I usually can pull off no makeup, but when I am behind on my tan, and my fam is wearing makeup- then yes, makeup is necessary! Oh well! :) (oh and I do not like this angle of me) lol

Check back later this week for an adoption update! ♥


  1. Your master bedroom looks AMAZING! I love all of the little touches you have made on your house and you are inspiring me to decorate more! I hope to see your house soon- I'm off until mid August! LEt me know what days work for you!

  2. Your bedroom looks awesome! I also like the picture frame and pic of you gals.

  3. Tricia,
    You are soooooo talented! Beautiful job. You amaze me are definately being blessed! XOOXOXOXO
    Aunt Mary Kay

  4. Cute pics!

    All the girls in your fam are beautiful!
