
Friday, August 21, 2009

Down Right Sinful

My mom says that I can justify anything, so my justification for this today is that today is 3 years since Paul asked me to be his wife- that deserves a celebration, right? ;)

My FAVORITE dessert is the Sinful Sundae at Outback Steakhouse. The last time I got to indulge in it was my 22nd birthday a year ago. Why so long ago? THEY HAVE STOPPED CARRYING IT! Are you kidding me? I was so upset!

Now if you are not familiar with the Sinful Sundae, it seems very easy to make yourself. Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream wrapped in toasted coconut, drizzled in Hot chocolate with whipped cream and a strawberry. Really simple. So simple, why not do it myself since they no longer carry it- so I did! :)

Preheat the oven to 325F and bake for 12-15 minutes (according to a recipe online)...
FAIL! This was after 6 minutes... they would have been black after 12! Geeze! So...
I put a new batch in for 5 minutes and they were perfect! SO, bake coconut at 325 for 5 minutes! :)
Add Blue Bell ice cream and hot fudge, and voila! Sinful Sundae! Ok, I don't like whipped cream, so I left it off, but it would have been even better if I had some strawberries! AND, notice that while this is a sinful treat, I did not eat a sinful amount! ;) It was awesome!!!!!!!

You are welcome over anytime for a visit, and we can make some sundaes while you are here! :)


  1. Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing! And Blue Bell is the Best!...if only they had it up here :(!
